" Orang boleh pandai setinggi langit, tapi selama ia tidak menulis, ia akan hilang dari masyarakat dan sejarah"
- Pramoedya Ananta Toer -

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Anak bongsu dari tiga adik beradik, penuntut Universiti Teknologi MARA, jurusan Pengurusan Komunikasi dan Polisi

Wednesday 7 December 2011

Price that Malaysian has to pay for being polite and disciplines.

First of all, most of us Malaysian are well educated. We are champions of third world and as well as major player in modern world. Many of us have the opportunity to travel abroad, at least once in a life time.  Some to European countries, plenty to North America and many to Asian nations.
In a nutshell, most of us Malaysian are exposed to the outside world. We learned others culture, value, tradition, religion and so on.  However, unfortunately being exposed does not necessarily make us better a society.
There are many reasons why we are not generally a “good society”. Most of us Malaysian are very selfish. We have a tendency only to think of ourselves first rather than others.
We can start with, most of us do not even make ways to those elderly or pregnant women in public transport. I am sure many of you experienced it before.  Some of us are kind hearted and may give way, but not most of us.  To make it worse, there will always be an incident, whenever someone makes a room for elderly or pregnant women, those who are not in this category will occupied the empty slot.
Many of us also have been rob for being discipline even at the parking lots, especially in shopping malls. I am sure many of you, once saw a car that is about the leave the parking lot, therefore you decided to wait by the side so that you are able to take the parking lot once it was empty, but before you can change your gear someone else from nowhere will just enter the lot ignoring you who has waited there earlier.
Apart from all that, another common incident is whenever you are about to leave in the morning for work, someone else car is blocking your car; therefore you are not able to leave the parking spot. 
We also shall not miss the event of refusing to pay for parking fees. Doesn’t matter even it will only cost us as cheap as 40 cents. This incident is very common especially the one that we have to slot in the coins.  We Malaysian did this simply just because we can. We do it without shame and with the assumption that, this is something common and it is alright to do it.
Being polite is always good, and it is highly encourage, so does being well disciplines. But if by being well disciplines and polite cost us all of this hanky-panky soon we shall have not be able to see, give or receive any courtesy in the near future.
So folks, how do we resolve this? I sincerely think that it should start from the beginning. We should start this in school. Our education system and the workforce, fellow teachers need to emphasis on this matter to pupil. We need all these students of our future generation to lead the way.  And we as an adult, we should have lead by example. As an old saying, attitude reflex leadership.
So I publicly appeal to you fellow Malaysian, can we all behave start to act instead of giving out ideas and do nothing.  An action step is worth than a thousand words.

credit to: Mohamed Dzariff B. Md Wazilah

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